Look out for these simple errors that can sabotage your website without you even knowing.

The content on your page is the meat and potatoes of your website. It’s through your website’s content that users learn what you are offering, how it matches their goals, and decide whether or not they’re going to purchase your product or service. 

Good quality content is vital if you want your audience to interact with your site, share your content, give you their contact information, or even make a purchase right then and there. 

Here are some visual content mistakes to steer clear of when building your own website.

1. Information Overload

It is a natural tendency of most salespeople to give everything they have all at once in order to convince someone that their product or service is the right choice. 

However, your website does not work like a typical salesperson. Displaying every single piece of information on one page of your website is a bad idea. Because, how much do users really read? A study conducted by the Nielsen Norman Group revealed that only 16% of users read the text, word for word, on a web page. 

79% of users simply scan web pages, lingering on parts or sections that interest them. In addition, the same study revealed that users only read about 28% of the text on a page.

So when you’re building your website, resist the urge to overload each page with too much information. Rather, showcase your information by using scannable text that helps readers to get the idea in just a simple glance.

Some tips for adding scannable content include:

  • Use headings and subheadings
  • Utilize bullets and numbered lists
  • Keep text short and simple
  • Limit one idea per paragraph
  • Use infographics, graphs, and charts

2. Inadequate Information

website design trends are headed towards more minimalist themes and simplistic designs. That’s not an excuse, however, to have insufficient content. Readers will most likely leave a website that has too little content because they find it unusable, uninteresting, inadequate, or unhelpful.

The key is to be short, concise, and relevant to your content. Get to the point quickly. Include clear and specific content to ensure that when a visitor lands on a particular web page, they are able to find the information they’re looking for. 

3. Not Mobile Responsive


As mobile devices become more and more accessible, it makes sense that more and more people are using their smartphones when browsing the internet.  In fact, 52% of worldwide traffic between 2009 to 2018 came from mobile phones, and that percentage is only going to increase.


In 2015, Google rolled out an update that made mobile responsiveness a huge ranking factor in search results. Mobile-responsive websites automatically adjust to the screen of any mobile device your visitors use.

Because more people are using their phones for browsing and online transactions, having a mobile responsive design will help you drive traffic to your website, build a loyal following and, subsequently, increase sales.

Having a mobile-responsive website not only means you can rank higher in Google search results, but it can also reduce bounce rates (the rate of visitors who leave the website immediately after viewing only one page). 

4. Font is Difficult To Read


In the digital world, simplicity is the golden rule. Anything that causes confusion drives people away. That principle also applies to the font you choose for your website.

People want legible information that they can easily read and digest. While fancy typography may look artsy, it can also confuse or turn away leads, and you’re unlikely to get a second chance. 

Avoid cursive fonts, symbols, and hand-drawn scripts and go for simpler font types such as 

Calibri, Times New Roman, and Arial.

Make sure that the kerning (space between two characters), tracking (space between two words), and leading (space between the lines) are properly spaced so your content doesn’t look bunched up or stretched out. 

Simple, easy-to-read fonts make it a pleasure for the reader to process all the information on your website. A simple rule of thumb: ask a friend, your parents, or even grandparents to take a look at your site and read the content out loud so you can hear it. If they have trouble reading, others might as well.

5. No Call To Action

When a user visits your website, what do you want them to do? Buy your product? Sign up for your service? Fill out a contact form? 

If you answered yes to any of those questions, you’ll need to have a Call To Action (CTA) button/page somewhere on your website. There are many different phrases you can use to initiate an action from your potential customers.


Make it lively! Upbeat! Like clicking this button is going to be the best decision you’ve ever made. A good CTA is a key to kickstart a business transaction as it convinces the user to commit an action.


Some of the most common and effective CTAs include:

  • Sign Up
  • Learn More
  • Buy Now
  • Subscribe Here
  • Download Now

So, there you have it! Avoid these simple content-related mistakes, maximize the good stuff and you’ll be one step closer to driving leads and closing deals through your website.